Working Rules of the AIHTC

ARTICLE I : Formation

Representative National Organizations from Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Yugoslavia have formed a standing Assembly to provide for collaboration in the field of heat transfer. The Representative National Organizations of these countries will be known as Charter Members.


The official name of the Assembly is : Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences.

ARTICLE III : Objective

Sec. 1. The principal objective of the Assembly is to provide a means for international cooperation in the planning and coordination of the continuing series of conferences now known as International Heat Transfer Conferences.

Sec. 2. The secondary objective of the Assembly is to promote scientific understanding in the field of heat transfer in such ways as are consistent with its principal objective, its status as an international body and these Working Rules. The nature and extent of any activities in effectuation of this objective shall be decided upon by formal action of the Assembly.

ARTICLE IV : Composition of the Assembly

Sec. 1. The Assembly shall be composed of Delegations appointed by each of the Charter Members listed in Article I and by each Representative National Organization which may subsequently become a member. A Delegation may consist of either one or two Delegates at the option of the Representative National Organization making the appointment.

Sec. 2. The Representative National Organization of a country means an organization accepted by the Assembly as representing those national societies in the field of heat transfer and having the willingness and capability of contributing suitable papers to International Heat Transfer Conferences.

Sec. 3. The names and addresses of Delegates shall be certified to the Secretary of the Assembly by the executive head of each Representative National Organization. The Secretary's list shall be the official composition of the Assembly.

Sec. 4. Past Presidents of the Assembly shall be non-voting members of the Assembly.

ARTICLE V : Officers of the Assembly, their Terms and Duties

Sec. 1. The officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary each elected by the Assembly and, if the President so desires, an Assistant to the President appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Assembly. The Officers do not have to be Delegates to the Assembly. If they are not Delegates they will be ex officio members of the Assembly without vote, except that the President shall always have the right to break tie votes.

Sec. 2. The term of office shall begin the day after the last scheduled day of technical sessions at a Conference through the last day of the succeeding Conference. However, no officer's term shall end before his successor has been named.

Sec. 3. The president shall preside at meetings of the Assembly, coordinate its international activities, issue (through the Secretary) the call of meetings, advise and support the Vice-President in matters concerning the next International Heat Transfer Conference and represent the Assembly in questions of its relationship to heat transfer activities of i other organizations. He is empowered to establish such committees as he deems necessary to the conduct of the business of the Assembly.

Sec. 4. The Vice-President shall coordinate local cooperation in the host country of the upcoming Conference. Whenever possible he shall be from the host country. He shall preside at Assembly meetings in the absence of the President.

Sec. 5. The secretary shall be responsible for the permanent records of the Assembly. At the request of the President, he shall issue the call for meetings and with him shall prepare the meeting agenda. He shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of meetings and for conducting any formal vitings by the Assembly between meeting. He shall keep the official list of Delegates and of Representative National Organizations entitled to Delegations together with appropriate mailing addresses.

Sec. 6. The Assistant to the President shall assist the President with correspondence and such other day-to-day matters of the Assembly as the President may request him to handle.

Sec. 7. In the event of the resignation, physical incapacity of death of an Officer during his term, the remaining officers shall name an appropriately qualified person to serve as Officer pro tempore until the next meeting of the Assembly. At this meeting, the Assembly shall take action to fill any remaining unexpired portion of the term.

ARTICLE VI : Terms of Delegates

Sec. 1. The terms of Delegates shall normally end on August 31 of the year following each International Heat Transfer Conference but no Delegate's term shall end until his successor has been certified to the Secretary.

Sec. 2. A delegate may be reappointed.

ARTICLE VII : Responsibility in Connection with the International Conferences

Sec. 1. The Assembly shall see that an International Heat Transfer Conference is arranged every four years unless special circumstances deternine otherwise.

Sec. 2. The Assembly shall invite applications from the Representative National Organizations to host Conferences and shall select the host or hosts for each succeeding Conference.

No more than one Conference locale is to be selected at any one meeting of the Assembly. The locale of a Conference to be held in a given year will be determined by the Assembly at its meeting eight years before the Conference in question. Written proposals for hosting a conference should be submitted to the Assembly president so that they can be distributed to the delegates three months in advance of an Assembly meeting.

Sec. 3. The Assembly shall determine the procedures for submitting and selecting papers for each Conference.

Sec. 4. The Assembly shall determine the official language of languages for each Conference and for all published papers.

Sec. 5. The Assembly shall assist the host in determining the best format for an upcoming Conference.

Sec. 6. The Assembly shall delegate all responsibility for publication of Conference Proceedings to the host country when it is satisfied regarding the proposed form and method of publication.

Sec. 7. Participation in International Conferences shall be open to all those interested. Before Conferences are arranged:
  1. an assurance in writing should be obtained from the organizers in the country concerned that visas will be granted to bona fide scientists if proper applications are made, and
  2. the unfortunate consequences which arise through failure to grant visas should be communicated to the organizers of the conferences of meetings involved.

Recommended procedures include:
  1. applications for visas, where necessary, should be made to the appropriate authorities not less than three months before the date of the conference of meeting, and if these visas are not granted of promised in writing one month before the date of the event, sponsorship should be withdrawn, and
  2. arrangements for future meetings in any country found unable to comply with these principles should be suspended until more satisfactory circumstances exist. National representative organizations of the AIHTC should unge the authorities in their countries to facilitate attendance and exit visas for scientists to attend such meetings.

ARTICLE VIII : Addition of Members

Sec. 1. Those countries with societies and institutions which, for a substantial period of time, have been making major written contributions to the scientific literature in the field of heat transfer are encouraged to form Representative National Organizations. When such a Representative national Organization has been formed, it will be considered for membership in the Assembly upon submission of a written application to the President of the Assembly.

Sec. 2. The written application for membership shall clearly identify the Representative National Organization as to its name, its official address, the societies and institutions it represents, the kind and number of its members, and the name of its chief executive officer. If possible, the name(s) of the person(s) who will be in the first Delegation should be included. There may also be furnished such supporting evidence of its qualifications as a Representative National Organization as those preparing the application deem appropriate. The applicant shall furnish any additional information requested by the review committee.

Sec. 3. Upon receipt of an adequate written application for membership, the President shall appoint a review committee to consider the application and prepare a report and recommendation for distribution to the Delegates.

Sec. 4. When applications for membership are to be considered at an Assembly meeting, the report and recommendations of the review committee must reach the Delegates two months before the meeting.

ARTICLE IX : Meetings

Sec. 1. The Assembly shall meet whenever called by the President. There shall be at least one meeting called at each international Heat Transfer Conference.

Sec. 2. Before adjournment of the final session of a meeting, the Assembly shall set the time and place for its next scheduled meeting. Requests for items for the agenda fof scheduled meetings shall be sent in time to reach each Delegate at least three months prior to the meeting. The agenda for scheduled meetings shall be sent in time to reach Delegates one month in advance of the meeting.

Sec. 3. If a special meeting is called prior to the next scheduled meeting, notice of this special meeting must be sent in time to reach each Delegate at least two months before the meeting date. The full agenda of a special meeting must reach the Delegates at least one month before the meeting date.

Sec. 4. A quorum to transact business at an Assembly meeting shall consist of at least one Delegate from two-thirds of the member Representative national organizations. By formal notification to the President, a representative National Organization may send a substitute for an official Delegate who is unable to attend. Such a substitute will be counted in determining a quorum.

Sec. 5. Each Delegation shall have two votes in any actions of the Assembly. When the Delegation consists of two Delegates, each shall have one vote. For meetings, a Representative National Organization may give written authorization to an attending delegate to cast a proxy vote for an absent Delegate.

Sec. 6. If the President deems it desirable, he may conduct formal Assembly business by mail including actions on motions and resolutions except for voting on new members of changes in the Working Rules.

ARTICLE X : Finances

Sec. 1. The Assembly shall accept no financial commitment of any kind.

Sec. 2. The Assembly will not provide funds for its Delegates or for Conference hosts.

ARTICLE XI : Amendments to these Rules

Sec. 1. Amendments of revisions of the rules shall be determined by the Assembly in the light of experience.

Sec. 2. Notice of any proposed amendment ot or revision of these rules must be made in writing to each Delegate at least three months before the meeting at which the changes are to be considered.

Sec. 3. Changes of the Rules approved by the Assembly will become effective when and only when ratified by three-fourths of the Representative National Organizations.